
Providing effective coaching solutions for our clients.

Coaching from someone who has been there, and got the (not very stylish) t-shirt

People HQ Founder Greg Quinn has over 25 years coaching experience in industry. Over a quarter of a century (!) Greg has supported and guided both colleagues and clients through all facets of issues, helping his clients form the solutions to move things forward. Clients always have the answer, its the role of the coach to help facilitate that answer.

A practised career coach, Greg uses a variety of coaching interventions – including Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – to help his clients build better businesses through recruiting and retaining great teams.

Coaching Services

At People HQ, we know that in the business world, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we tailor the content and type of our coaching to suit your unique needs.

Our skilled and experienced team can help you choose from a range of coaching options, including:

Business Coaching:

As a business owner, you’re often too close to your subject to ask the questions that bring clarity. Allowing a third-party to join your conversations can bring a new and exciting perspective to discussions and can help you decide which direction your business should take.  

We’ll scrutinize your business strategy, focusing on your mission statement, culture and values to identify what action will carry your business forward to a successful and sustainable future.


Outplacement of colleagues is never easy.  That’s why we work closely with affected staff over four sessions to help them prepare for their next challenge.  We provide specific support that includes navigating the job market, building confidence and preparing for interviews – so that you, and your staff, can move forward with confidence.  

Retirement Plan Coaching:

For business owners and staff nearing retirement age, we offer coaching that supports the transition into the next phase of working life. Whether making the shift from full to part-time hours or planning a career pivot, we work with individuals to help them prepare and plan for retirement – on their terms. 

Colleague Coaching Service:

Our Company Subscription allows businesses to pay a monthly fee that opens up a number of coaching slots  that can be allocated to any employee – a flexible option that makes self-development accessible to all staff. 

1 to 1 Coaching:
Along with our Company Subscription, 1 to 1 coaching sessions are available for both companies and career-driven individuals who want to get ahead in a competitive job market – either as one-offs or in 4, 6 and 12-week bundles – better value for long-term coaching requirements.

How we use our coaching interventions

“A coach is someone that sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness”
Michael Jordan

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance, focusing on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the past or future.

While there are many different models of coaching,  People HQ uses a variety and combination of approaches to respond to the unique needs of each client

When might you use coaching?

At People HQ, we believe there are opportunities for coaching at every point in the employee life cycle – whether someone is joining a business, being promoted,  changing career or facing a new stage, like retirement.

Whatever the challenges faced by an employee, coaching enables people to gain in confidence and perform at their best. Our coaching approach is flexible and  designed to blend within any workplace while providing the appropriate level of intervention and delivering measurable ROI.

Who can benefit from coaching?

Over the last 25 years, our HR coaching services provided a wide range of benefits to a wide range of colleagues, including:


  • Individuals promoted to a new role without the right support who are struggling to adapt.
  • Managers who are technically strong but want to enhance and develop their softer skills.
  • Individuals who need to create time and space to think and plan. 
  • Individuals who need to be supported and challenged by a peer-level coach. 
  • Organisations who want to retain their highest performing talent. 
  • Colleagues who are experiencing significant stress and burn-out in their roles, and who need a new perspective. 

    Your coaching journey starts today

    Get in touch for a no-obligation chat about how coaching could help your business and staff thrive during uncertain times.

    We offer a variety of coaching packages, including Company Subscriptions and 4 week, 6 week and 12 week options.

    (Book your free consultation here).

    Quick Links


    5 - 6 First Floor Offices

    The Precinct, 27 South Street,

    Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4JT.

    Northern Ireland

    Tel: 02891 246 000

